White Hands
An informative website for an NGO based in Turkey with focus on helping out in Gaza.

White Hands Association and Health Care, is a Turkish association concerned with providing health services for the wounded and sick of the Palestinian people whose hospitals inside the Palestinian community are unable to provide appropriate health care for their condition
Septemper, 2019
White Hands
Digital Design
The Challenge
The challenge was coming up with a simple website that encompasses what the client does, while not over crowding it with a lot of information. The client has been in the field for many years and had alot to add on the website.
The Approach
Our approach was to break down what the client did and highlight their achievements using numbers. while showing off their projects in a different section of the website to keep focus on them once reached.

A custom donation portal to collect donations online has been developed for the client. multiple payment gateways can be integrated.

Deploying on a custom made server, the client is enjoying top security and website loading speed of 7 seconds